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- ItemAbajur pentru o biblioteca. Болюк Олег. Художнє дерево у церквах (за матеріалами західних областей України). Львів: ІН НАНУ, 2020. 520 с.(Dialogica. Revistă de studii culturale și literatură, 1., 2022) Condraticova, LilianaRegiunile de vest ale Ucrainei se pot mândri cu numeroase biserici, iar lemnul din care au fost lucrate majoritatea pieselor de cult a devenit obiect de cercetare pentru doctorul în studiul artelor Oleg Bolyuk, cercetător științific la Institutul de Etnologie din or. Lvov al Academiei Naționale de Științe a Ucrainei. Volumul de față a stat la baza susținerii tezei de doctor habilitat în studiul artelor, în august 2021, autorul având în palmaresul său o serie de lucrări consacrate repertoriului pieselor de cult lucrate din lemn, devenind cunoscut și specialiștilor în domeniul patrimoniului din Republica Moldova prin participarea la lucrările conferinței internaționale „Patrimoniul cultural de ieri – implicații în dezvoltarea societății durabile de mâine”, edițiile anilor 2019–2022).
- ItemChrześcijańskie ideogramy w cerkwiach Ukrainy Zachodniej(Totem, 2015) Bolyuk, Oleh
- ItemInstrumentation for Decoration of Folk Textile as Source of Contemporary Print (on the Examples of Lithuanian and Western Ukrainian Folk Items).(Lithuania, Kaunas: KTU; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design., 2019) Bolyuk, Oleh; Fedorchuk, Olena; Nenartavičiūtė, E.; Milašienė, D.; Rukuižienė, Ž.
- ItemInwentarz Franciszka Strzałki z roku 1935 o zabytkach architektury ludowej pogranicza Huculszczyzny i Pokucia(DRUK-AR, 2013) Bolyuk, Oleh
- ItemLidová kultura Ukrajinců rakousko-uherské monarchie v etnografické sbírce Františka Řehoře z 80. a 90. let 19. století - Traditional Folk Culture of Ukrainians in Austria-Hungary as Represented in the Ethnographic Collection of František Řehoř from the 1880s and 1890s(Institute of Ethnology, Czech Academy of Sciences, 2020) Bolyuk, Oleh; Fedorchuk, Olena; Pohunek, Jan; Valášková, NaďaThe paper presents preliminary results of the analysis of a lesser-known collection of the Czech self-taught ethnographer František Řehoř. The collection documents the traditional folk culture of Ukrainians in eastern Galicia and Bukovina (parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) in the last decades of the 19th century. The collection is located in the Department of Ethnography of the National Museum in Prague and is currently analysed by Czech ethnologists in cooperation with Ukrainian art historians.
- ItemOleh Bolyuk, Wooden sacred artefacts (as based on Ukraine’s western regions) Lviv: Institute of Ethnology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine 2020, pp. 520.(Akademia Ignatianum w Krakowie, 2022-09-29) Gronek, AgnieszkaOleh Bolyuk’s book is an impressive work in terms of content and editing. Enclosed in hardcovers, navy blue with gold embellishments, with 260 A3-size half-chalk pages, nearly 450 color and black-and-white illustrations in the margins as well as inserted into the text, it entices with its enviably beautiful layout and extreme editorial diligence. At this point, it is worth emphasizing the fact that in Ukraine, researchers often have to apply for funds themselves to publish their own research and are not assisted in this by state institutions. Fortunately, the author found full support at the Institute of Ethnology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, which proves the exceptionally high esteem in the results of the research work presented in the book. The expeditionary research which allowed for a detailed study of the collection of church art, was made possible thanks to the support of the NGO Center for Cultural and Artistic Initiatives in Lviv.
- ItemOleh Bolyuk: Művészi fafaragás a templomokban (Ukrajna nyugati megyéinek anyaga alapján). (Oleh Bolyuk: Wooden sacred artefacts as based pn Ukraine's western regions) Lviv: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Ethnology 2020, 520 oldal, ISBN 978-966-02-9606-0. Ukrán nyelven, angol tartalomjegyzékkel(Szent Atanáz Görögkatolikus Hittudományi Főiskola, 2021) Puskás, Bernadett
- ItemReligious Objects in František Řehoř’s Ethnographic Collection: An Analysis of Wooden Works of the Byzantine Rite(Czech Ethnological Society, 2022) Bolyuk, Oleh; Pohunek, JanThis article presents results of the analysis of various artifacts from the collection of Czech ethnographer František Řehoř, which is housed in the National Museum in Prague. Our historical and artistic analysis concern religious objects that were collected in the former Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria during the last quarter of the nineteenth century. The oldest collectible works of art, representing the Eastern Byzantine Christian Rite, date from the eighteenth century. An attempt to reconstruct the original purpose and appearance of valuable artifacts is proposed.
- ItemTechnique of Beads Decor in Ukrainian and Lithuanian Folk Textile.(Lithuania, Kaunas: KTU; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design, 2019) Bolyuk, Oleh; Fedorchuk, Olena; Kumpikaitė, E.; Milašienė, D.; Nenartavičiūtė, E.The textile prints have soundly taken their place among the modern interior design. On the other hand. they have become especially popular as an element of clothing decoration. II is also easy to create drawings on the textile fabric surface at home by using the imprint of the paint previously applied to the stamp. This again popular method was known in Asia, Europe and America since ancient times because the primitive stamping on the cloth sur-face exists for about 3000 years. The Lithuanian Folk printing is thoroughly analysed in the article by O.D. Alekniene. In the album about the printing of Estonia some of the presented ornaments have ana logues of decor of both Lithuanian and Ukrainian wooden cliches for fabrics. Fundamental research about this old method of fabric printing in Ukraine is still not published, despite the fact that the manuscript by R. Dutky was prepared. In 20th c. Eastern European printing for folk textile, in particular Polish and Ukrainian studied R. Reinfus. The aim of this article is to present an analysis of oil and water folk textile printing instruments and techniques, typology of stamps and to clarify some local names of printed products. The novelty of this research is the first try to analyse and compare Lithuanian and Ukrainian instrumentation for decoration of folk textile.
- ItemThe Art of Wood Carving in Carpathians. Ukrainian master of aesthetics from Boikivshchyna(CLUEB, 2019) Bolyuk, OlehBased on one of the most important theoretical approaches – systematic – it was considered creative and emotional activity of masters-carvers in Boikivshchyna. As the result of this work became artistic and aesthetic products for household, ceremonial, religious and other purposes. The main attention is paid to the types of woodcarving, local artistic preferences and product range of Ukrainian highlanders in one of the parts of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Chronological retrospective made it possible to trace individual sustainability of creative ideas and their modern interpretation.
- ItemTradicinis audinių marginimas: Vakarų Ukrainos ir Lietuvos meninis ir stilistinis palyginimas(Lietuvos nacionalinis dailės muziejus, 2023) Bolyuk, Oleh; Bernotaitė-Beliauskienė, Dalia
Traditional textile patterning: an artistic and stylistic comparison of Western Ukraine and Lithuania
Traditional patterning is an ancient craft where dyes and various patterns are used to decorate home-woven fabric. Patterns are created on the surface of the fabric by using wood-carved matrices. In Eastern Europe – in Poland, Belarus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary and Ukraine – the decoration of fabric using wooden stamps has been practiced for centuries and was rather widespread in folk textiles up to the late 19th to the first half of the 20th century; the same may be said about Lithuania, too. The material required for this research was collected from museums in Ukraine and Lithuania. The collections of Lithuania’s museums have very few cliches/stamps and the small number of works displaying this decoration technique shows that patterning was not very popular here. Among Lithuanian interior textiles, we find tablecloths, bedspreads and rugs decorated with such printed patterns, and among items of clothing, we can mention vests, skirts, scarves, shawls, aprons and accessories. Among Ukrainian interior textiles, bedspreads, tablecloths and towels would be decorated in this way, while among clothing items – skirts and trousers. The Ukrainian patterned ornaments can be said to be more graphic in their appearance than are Lithuanian designs.
- ItemZabytki sakralne powiatu kolomyjskiego w zbiorach Biblioteki im. Wasyla Stefanyka we Lwowie: inwentarz cerkiew 1935 r. oraz ich stan dzisiejszy(Instytut badań nad dziedzictwem kulturowym Europy, 2012) Bolyuk, Oleh
- ItemАктуальність українсько-чеського науково-дослідного проекту «Колекція творів українського народного мистецтва у фондосховищах Національного музею у Празі: класифікація та атрибуція».(Львів: Вид-во «Галич-Прес»., 2017) Болюк, Олег
- ItemАналої і тетраподи українських церков (за матеріалами мистецтвознавчої експедиції на Бойківщину 2005 року)(Львів: СКІМ; ІН НАН України, 2006) Болюк, Олег
- ItemАрхітектурне оздоблення дерев’яних східнокарпатських церков та дзвіниць ХІХ – третини ХХ ст.(ІФКМ, 2003) Болюк, Олег
- ItemАрхітектурний декор дерев’яних церков Покуття.(Інститут народознавства Національної академії наук України, 2017) Болюк, ОлегНа основі зібраних автором експедиційних матеріалів аналізується дерев’яна церковна архітектура етнографічного Покуття. Звертається увага на оздоблення профілями та різьбою зрубних випустів, порталів, віконного обрамлення, верхів храму в екстер’єрі. Розглянуто художнє оформлення арок-вирізів, парапету та опор хорів в інтер’єрі споруд.
- ItemВироби з дерева. Етнографічні групи Українських Карпат. Бойки.(Фоліо, 2020) Болюк, Олег
- ItemВироби з дерева. Етнографічні групи Українських Карпат. Гуцули.(Фоліо, 2020) Болюк, Олег
- ItemВироби з дерева. Етнографічні групи Українських Карпат. Лемки.(Фоліо, 2020) Болюк, Олег
- Item[Гасла] Амвон. Аналой. Кивот. Киворій. Лава церковна. Облаштування церковне дерев’яне. Престол. Проскомидійник. Сповідальниця. Тетрапод.(Львів: ІН НАН України., 2007) Болюк, Олег