Technique of Beads Decor in Ukrainian and Lithuanian Folk Textile.

Bolyuk, Oleh
Fedorchuk, Olena
Kumpikaitė, E.
Milašienė, D.
Nenartavičiūtė, E.
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Lithuania, Kaunas: KTU; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design

The textile prints have soundly taken their place among the modern interior design. On the other hand. they have become especially popular as an element of clothing decoration. II is also easy to create drawings on the textile fabric surface at home by using the imprint of the paint previously applied to the stamp. This again popular method was known in Asia, Europe and America since ancient times because the primitive stamping on the cloth sur-face exists for about 3000 years. The Lithuanian Folk printing is thoroughly analysed in the article by O.D. Alekniene. In the album about the printing of Estonia some of the presented ornaments have ana logues of decor of both Lithuanian and Ukrainian wooden cliches for fabrics. Fundamental research about this old method of fabric printing in Ukraine is still not published, despite the fact that the manuscript by R. Dutky was prepared. In 20th c. Eastern European printing for folk textile, in particular Polish and Ukrainian studied R. Reinfus. The aim of this article is to present an analysis of oil and water folk textile printing instruments and techniques, typology of stamps and to clarify some local names of printed products. The novelty of this research is the first try to analyse and compare Lithuanian and Ukrainian instrumentation for decoration of folk textile.

Fedorchuk, O., Bolyuk, O., Kumpikaitė, E., Milašienė, D., & Nenartavičiūtė, E. (2019). Technique of Beads Decor in Ukrainian and Lithuanian Folk Textile. The International Young Scientists Conference "Industrial Engineering 2019". Kaunas: KTU; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design, 67–72.