Твори сницарства Закарпатської Бойківщини (експедиційні рефлексії)

Болюк, Олег
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Słupsk–Zielona Góra–Svidnik: University of Zielona Góra

Samples of woodcarvers' mastery of the Boyko region of Transcarpathia (reminiscences of expeditions). The ecclesiastical objects used in churches during the liturgy are of different artistic value, although of equal importance for the history of sacral arts. The altar with the ciborium, the proskomydiynyk (the credence table) and other objects of woodcarvers' mastery that were uncovered during the art study expeditions on the territory of Transcarpathia in 2005 and 2008, represent variability of their tectonics and artistic features of relatively dif­ferent areas of their use. One of the main results of the field research is a preliminary (initial).

Бойківщина , Boykivshchyna , Україна , Ukraine , декоративно-обрядове мистецтво , decorative and ceremonial art
Bolyuk, O. (2015). Samples of woodcarvers' mastery of the Boyko region of Transcarpathia (reminiscences of expeditions). In B. Halczak, S. Dudra, R. Drozd, M. Sopoliga, A. Izhevskyy, O. Kuzmenko, L. Horoshko, … & M. Šmigeľ (Ed.). Lemkos, Boykos, Ruthenians - history, modern times, material and spiritual culture, 5. (pp. 377–391). Słupsk–Zielona Góra–Svidnik: University of Zielona Góra.
Болюк, O. (2015). Твори сницарства Закарпатської Бойківщини (експедиційні рефлексії). In B. Halczak, S. Dudra, R. Drozd, M. Sopoliga, A. Izhevskyy, O. Kuzmenko, L. Horoshko, … & M. Šmigeľ (eds.). Łemkowie, Bojkowie, Rusini – historia, współczesność, kultura materialna i duchowa. Т. V. (ss. 377-391). Słupsk–Zielona Góra–Svidnik: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski.