Орнаментика української вибійки як маркер етнічної ідентичності (на матеріалах колекцій)

Болюк, Олег
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Нови Сад: Филозофски факултет; Słupsk: Akademia Pomorska, (Нови Сад: Сајнос).

Ukrainian hand-made block printing with oil paints has been poorly studied by art historians and ethnologists. This is testified in particular by the considerable amount of monuments in Western Ukrainian museums whose attribution is superficial. Another problem is the disappearance of ancient local artistic traditions in the context of globalization processes. The same situation is observed in block printing that exhibits original patterns of ornamentation, which can become an important source for modern prints in the textile industry. The aim of the article is to illustrate the specificity of the decoration of Ukrainian homemade fabrics on the basis of the known ornaments of handmade block printing. The study is based on historical-comparative, formal-analytical and hermeneutical methods. The study enables the following observations: hand-made block printing with oil paints in the ethnographic territory of Western Ukraine was indeed local. In the last quarter of the nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries, most specimens were popular with the local population. This is confirmed by the local ornament names. West Ukrainian block printing (specific ornamentation, names of motifs, area) is an important marker of the Ukrainian ethnic identity.

Україна , Ukraine , printing on fabric , вибійка
Болюк, О. (2020). Орнаментика української вибійки як маркер етнічної ідентичності (на матеріалах колекцій). In Я. Pамач, & Р. Дрозд (eds.). Лемки, Бойки, Гуцули, Русини – история, сучасносц, материялна и духовна култура: зборнїк наукових роботох. = Łemkowie, Bojkowie, Rusini: historia, współczesność, kultura materialna i duchowa: praca zbiorowa. (cc. 321-333). Нови Сад: Филозофски факултет; Słupsk: Akademia Pomorska, (Нови Сад: Сајнос).
Bolyuk, O. (2020). Ornamentation of the Ukrainian block printing as a marker of ethnic identity (as based on collection materials). Lemkos, Boykos, Ruthenians: history, modern times, material and spiritual culture: collective work. Novi Sad: Faculty of Philosophy; Slupsk: Academia Pomorska, (Novi Sad: Сајнос), 321-333.