Художнє дерево Закарпатської Гуцульщини: сучасні функції

Болюк, Олег
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Banská Bystrica: Belianum

Wooden artwork of Transcarpathian Hutsulshchyna: modern functions The article provides the analysis of expedition materials obtained and registered in Rakhiv district in 2016. Wooden artworks of the 21st century are contrasted with the artworks of 19th_20th centuries. Function, assortment and decor of this kind of traditional Ukrainian artistic creativity typical for recent decades were empirically stated. The article also discusses prospects of their transformations according to the law of tradition. Special attention is paid to the local peculiarities of the aesthetic design of folk and professional construction (church, housing, small buildings) as well as to the specificity of applied art products and souvenirs.

architecture , архітектура , church , церква , decorative and ceremonial art , декоративно-обрядове мистецтво , українська церква , ukrainian church , Ukraine , Україна , Hutsulshchyna , Гуцульщина
Болюк, О. (2018). Художнє дерево Закарпатської Гуцульщини: сучасні функції. In M. Šmigeľ, B. Halczak, R. Drozd, S. Dudra, O. Kozakevych (eds.). Lemkovia, Bojkovia, Rusíni – dejiny, súčasnosť, materiálna a duchovná kultura.. T. VII. Časť II. (cc. 177-188). Banská Bystrica: Belianum.
Bolyuk, O. (2018). Wooden artwork of Transcarpathian Hutsulshchyna: modern functions. In M. Šmigeľ, B. Halczak, R. Drozd, S. Dudra, O. Kozakevych (Ed.). Lemkos, Boykos, Ruthenians - history, modern times, material and spiritual culture, 7 (2). (pp. 177–188). Banská Bystrica: Belianum.